School Motto

Around the time of the Russo-Japanese War, the moral tone of the students was corrupted, and this situation gradually produced a trend of decadence throughout Japan. To reverse this trend, the school motto, "Jicho-Kenshin" was proposed on the anniversary of the founding of the school on June 6, 1906. This motto was suggested by Mr. Kawada, the school principal at that time, and was finalized after a thorough discussion.


Mr. Kawada said, “'Kenshin', which means 'self-sacrifice', is a real virtue. It is impossible to achieve perfection of character without it. 'Jicho', on the other hand, means 'to respect yourself', but it is not inconsistent with 'Kenshin'. To perfect your character by following the principle of your conscience and renouncing your own self-interest is the highest form of 'Jicho'. And the only way to achieve this is to hold the spirit of devotion with self-sacrifice; and by carrying this spirit, you can respect yourself the most.”